Haha I was wondering that myself. I guess the warmer weather of summer is starting to draw people outside more ;)
I've taken a little hiatus from building pedals commercially for a little while so I can build some personal projects that I've been meaning to get around to for a while. The first one on the list is a "Univibed" Phase 45. Hopefully I can get a nice swirly sound without pulling my hair out from having to tweak a clone of the real Univibe with the photocells and light bulbs.
Yes it sounds great , have done all kinds of trix for best tone sound and sustain. The bridge ,neck and body has the best possible straightsurfaced wood-to-wood/metal fit to allowe more tone to be transfered.
http://www.lundgren.se/index.asp?folID=21 He does very good sounding pup's , have his strat and tele's pup's too. Do you want custom pup's , no problemo he's the man.